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30 Outubro 2023 — 17h00 - 18h00


Canal YouTube do MUHNAC

Wood identification through its internal anatomy is a complex and time-consuming process, often leading to taxonomic results not at the species level, but only at genus level, or even in specific cases, only to family level.

The identification of the wood support of artworks contains specific methodological requirements and various limitations that are normally not present with the common histological methodology which, traditionally, required samples with approximately 1 cm3. This volume, when related with artworks can conflict with ethical issues of intervention, namely the scale of the piece itself, the aesthetic and structural integrity or even the commercial value of the artwork. In addition to these, other factors such as the presence of metal leaf, polychromies and varnishes, as well as, the absence of any cracks, fractures or perforations where collecting could be facilitated, or the presence of degraded or already intervened areas, all contribute to hamper the identification of wooden artworks.

In this presentation, we describe alternatives and solutions that were explored to circumvent the limitations on the wood processing for identification, which allowed us to analyse and characterize a set of wooden sculptures.

Com: Luís Silva | Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Centro Regional do Porto
Moderação: Marta Lourenço | Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa

Sessão em Inglês


José Luis Amorim Silva initiated his superior education in 2000 with a Bachelor degree on Arts, Communication and Design, variant Landscape Design at Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, following from 2010 to 2015 a Graduation and Master’s degree in Conservation-restoration at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Oporto. He is currently developing his doctorate focused on scientific wood identification of works of art between Portugal, Holland and Spain. He started his professional career as a conservator-restorer specialist in wood in 2007, working for several companies. He is presently the CEO at the conservation and restoration and decorative arts company Cádmio – Decorative Systems. His main investigation line is focused on conservation of wooden works of art, wood technology and wood identification adapted to art objects.


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